
One complaint that many men have is that they just don’t understand what women truly want from them on Valentine’s Day. This can make planning for Valentine’s Day a very stressful experience for a Man.  Or let’s be honest, anyone can get stressed planning Valentine’s Day.  However, many men often get worried that the gift they buy will either say the wrong thing or that their gift will simply be not good enough.  As a result, they often wind up either doing too much, too little, or even worse, nothing at all. 

Being able to find that happy balance where their gift will be appreciated without their partners reading too much into the gift, can be a nerve-wracking experience, where love should only be the main factor.  The true key to finding this perfect gift is to understand not just women, but YOUR woman and how the true meaning of Valentine’s Day relates to them.

The most important rule for men to remember, or for anyone to remember, is that when women say it is okay for you to not do anything for Valentine’s Day, or that it is no big deal, 99.99% of the time they do not mean this shit.  Not at all.  It is true there are some women who really do not expect anything from their partners on Valentine’s Day, and if this is your woman, then by all means, do as she wishes.  However, the vast majority will be extremely disappointed if you allow Valentine’s Day to pass without even acknowledging such a mushy holiday.

So unless you are absolutely sure your partner is one of those women who really does not care about Valentine’s Day it is a safe bet to at least get a card and a flower for the special woman in your life. You would be likely to hear some not-so-kind words if you don’t.

Now, you might be wondering what type of card you should get for the special woman in your life on Valentine’s Day.  Basically, there are funny cards and romantic cards.  You know your person better than anyone, right?  So, maybe a humorous card is the way to go in your union, but unless you are absolutely sure this is the type of card your partner will like, it may be a better idea to go with a romantic card.  You can find so many types of romantic cards expressing a number of different emotions and are likely to find a card that expresses your feelings perfectly.  Some men, or anyone,  may not realize this, but most women typically put a great deal of time and effort into selecting cards for special occasions and tend to want the same in return, even on a subconscious level.

Men should also be aware that women do not want to be reminded of any insecurities they may have, especially on Valentine’s Day. Your girlfriend or wife may talk about wanting to lose weight, but this does not mean she wants you to buy her sugar-free candy and an exercise bike for Valentine’s Day. A day of unconditional love should not consist of trying to resolve or fix a problem. It should be the opposite, expressing love no matter the issue, insecurity, or problem.

Finally, for the majority of women, the most important thing that counts, is that there was thought placed into the moment, gift, or day. Women want to feel special on Valentine’s Day. And honestly, feeling special does not have to cost a thing. Expensive gifts or fancy restaurants may seem like the best move, but the underlying fact is that most women really just want to know that you not only love them but thought of them, on Valentine’s Day.

So in conclusion, it really does not matter whether you give them expensive jewelry or make the effort to prepare a 3-course, home-cooked meal. What they will remember is how much thought was put into the experience and ultimately how it made them feel.
