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First, let me say I am fine. Nothing happened. I am not in any particular kind of mood. I am still in love with my husband and adore all the fabulous men in my life – but
I am just bored to death with the bullshit.

I think it’s time for a rise of feminine villain energy.

I am so over the generational patriarchal trope selling the nonsense that feminine energy should be soft, polite, and people-pleasing. I am over the idea that we are most valuable when pleasant.
Maybe there was a time when our willingness to be pretty but quiet, playing a supporting role for the men who financially supported us, was a way of surviving in a society built on the rules men made. However, for the love of Goddess and all things sacred, that time has passed.

We can create our own rules, money, and orgasms – without men.
Men are a choice we can make in our lives or not.
They are certainly no longer necessary.

Women will have to save our democracy because men aren’t going to do it.
Women will have to dismantle both racism and patriarchy because men aren’t going to do it.

How do we know that?
Because it isn’t fucking done, and it isn’t going to get done while we behave like fragile flowers in a vase on a shelf with an expiration date. We have been the women behind the men fighting for their way of life too long.

Our way of life –
That is what I am here for.
I want to live in the ease and safety of matriarchal societies filled with plenty of everything surrounded by beauty, art, education, and sacred teachings.
I want to rest in the security that our peace can and will be protected by righteously enraged legions of women wielding bloody force if necessary. I want to be unashamed in the deeply feminine urge to protect OURSELVES, OUR FAMILIES, OUR COMMUNITIES, AND OUR WAY OF LIFE, not theirs.

I crave a wild-ing for women. I long for a day when women free themselves of the expectations of appropriateness.
I want men to be afraid of our unpredictability.

I want them to sit uncomfortably, wondering where the ebb and flow of our hormones will leave them.
I want to see hoards of dangerous women making dangerous decisions.

I want firey, bold, destructive feminine energy to be fully in vogue, filling the dark corners where subservient placating once lived.

I want to embrace a kind of femininity that uses sexuality as a portal for pleasure or a weapon of war without the constraints of ownership or a corrosive fear of judgment.

Let the men and the daughters of the patriarchy judge.
As for the rest of us, let us celebrate the indiscretions of our sisters like victories on a battlefield that destroys conformity.

Let us hold sacred court together and plot the destruction only the deeply feminine can bring – the kind of destruction that lays bare the wasting bones of the men who thought they owned us.

I want the abusers to be wondering who will be coming for them, looking over their shoulders, thinking twice before stepping into the light of day or another dark alley. I want them to be afraid all the time. I want them to fear their base nature because they know their inability to control their misogyny will probably get them killed.
Men who are sick in their misogyny do not like women. They are both repelled and attracted to women at the same time.

I’d like to live in the story where misogynists live in a constant state of terror because women have become predator-like in their pursuit of peace.

Women are not the minority – anywhere.
We are voluntary prisoners of patriarchal systems that profit from racism, poverty, and ignorance because we allow ourselves to be contained.

Nice girl is over. Working and fighting for our share is over. Let’s just take it. Let’s take what is ours and what’s theirs too.

It is time for our feminine villain phase.

Lisa M. Hayes, The Love Whisperer, is an Author, Trainer, and Law of Attraction Relationship Coach. Lisa is known for her no-nonsense approach to attracting and growing relationships that really work.