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I feel sexy in my jeans and wearing my boyfriend’s T-shirt.

Jennifer Aniston



I know it may be a tough pill to swallow, however, ladies, we are some needy-ass creatures. I mean, in all honesty, we are constantly looking for reassurance in our relationships, because we desperately desire to know what the other person is feeling. This helps us determine whether or not the relationship is meant to be for the long run, or maybe just something fun for the moment. Which is perfectly fine too.

One thing is for sure in either situation, is that everyone wants to feel, well, WANTED. Not needed, because in all reality, we do not NEED anyone. However, to feel wanted by someone is pretty cool. So since we love feeling wanted so much ladies, let’s flip the switch a bit shall we? When was the last time you showed your Man how much you want him?

If you said last night, well shit, kudos to you 😉

However, if you had to tilt your head and think, then it’s time to show him now, Girl.

We do not want to make the assumption that our Men do not need to feel special just as much as we need to. They just have a much more powerful way of masking those types of emotions. Just imagine how thrilled your Guy would be to receive a sexy surprise from YOU… Right?!

Here are 5 simple, sexy + spontaneous ways to let your man know that he is still desired by you…


1) Plan a Sexy Stay-cation

Completely surprise him with a weekend in a romantic hotel room or Airbnb. Make it extra special by setting the mood in the room (before he gets there) by adding some rose petals, mellow music, some bubbly, and maybe even a few sex toys. I mean, why the heck not. Have everything planned, pack both of your bags, and just give him the address. Boom!

2) Cook For Him – In Lingerie

Got kids? Not tonight!

In Love with Words
In Love With Words Ebook

A) As best as you can, make some crucial plans for the offspring to stay with relatives or friends. Pick out sexy yet comfortable lingerie for you to cook in. It is extremely important that YOU feel sexy MORE than you think he will enjoy the lingerie. The main reason is that if you are confident in what you are wearing, your Man will be turned on by that confidence. Not necessarily the outfit. Catching what I’m throwing? So, find something YOU feel your best in. The rest will follow.

B) Find a simple yet romantic dish that you know for sure your Guy will love. If the Man loves a good steak, then a steak is what he should get. The meal should be simple enough to where you feel confident cooking it in front of him without fail. Do not try to over impress by making something outside of your comfort zone. Once again, your Man will be turned on by your CONFIDENCE. If he sees you know what you are doing in the kitchen + can do it half-naked, then Girrrlllll….you may not even get to the dinner…OK!

C) Add some music to set the mood, dim the lighting, maybe enjoy a little booze (or herb) to get the juices flowing and just enjoy the night. It’s going to be a GREAT one…TRUST!


3) Give Him the Bl*w Job of His Life

Hey, Now…Did I just go there?

woman in black panty on bathtub

I did…Here at Eat.Her.Out we keep it Real and we keep it Adult. And what do adults do? Give blow jobs 🙂 So with that being said…This is a no brainer, Ladies. Whether or not you know how to give the best blow job or not, doesn’t really matter here. That is what Google + Pornhub are for.

What matters the most is the SETTING!! For this to be different than just any other random blow job, is that you have to catch him off-guard. Maybe get yourself warmed up by taking a shot or two, maybe watching some porn for a bit…hell, maybe even take some horny goat weed. I don’t know, that is really not my business, lol. Just do whatever you need to do, to get yourself in the mood. I mean, if you are not fully in the mood, then how will you possibly get him to be?

Then once you are there, execute! Maybe, attack him in his car when he gets home from work…or go for a ride somewhere private, yet surprise him with, ya know…There are plenty of ways to make this extra special, so go the extra mile and make it unforgettable.


4) Make Him a Box of Steamy Love Notes

Love letters + sweet notes seem to be overrated these days. Especially with technology being so powerful. We use technology for everything, including how we flirt + express our love for our partner (insert heart + eggplant emojis here).

So, how amazingly romantic + sexy would it be to give your Guy a nice box filled with little love notes that he can read and get turned on by.

Take some time, maybe a few weeks or a month. Every day or even when you just feel like it, jot down something sweet on a post-it. It can be as innocent or as frisky as you want. You know your Man, so jot down things that you know would make him smile. Then drop in a nice box that you will eventually give him.

Decide the perfect time to present the box to him. Maybe over a romantic dinner or could even be when you two are snuggled up in bed. One thing is for sure, you will want to see the look on his face as he is reading your love notes.

(An added bonus, is that the box of letters is something that he can hold on to forever!)



5) Give Him A Sensual Massage

What Man would not rave over a massage after a long day at work?

I’ll answer, not a one!

So let’s do this….Grab some wonderful smelling essential oils and set the mood in the room. Mood + lighting is everything. Try your best to make the area as peaceful as possible. It also wouldn’t hurt to wear something sexy for him to peak at. The main point here is to fully relax your Man and cater to his physical needs, so it is imperative that any possible interruptions are put to a halt.

If you already know how to give a great massage, then perfect! Start rubbing! However, if you are like I am, and not the strongest rubber, then the internet is your teacher my friend. Research videos on how to hit the right points, which areas to focus and so on…

Giving your Guy a really good, full-body massage is not only damn sexy but is also something I am sure he really could use as well. So the appreciation is real in this field!

Oh, and don’t forget the Happy Ending 😉
